Radiant Connection Breakfast

February 10, 2018

9:00am – 11:00am

Category: Radiant Women | Coordinator: Pr. Rae Quirt

The environment is very relaxed, and provides opportunity to connect with established friendships, and to create new ones!  These breakfast's are specifically designed to encourage Impact women to connect with one another outside of our Sunday Morning Live services, and to meet new people.

Location:  Coco Frutti in the Rio Can Centre, 768 Gardiners Road

*Please note the change in location from previous breakfast's*

Cost: $8 and up, depending on your breakfast choice

Feel free to bring a friend or family member who doesn't attend Impact.  We would love to meet them!

Please sign up at the Welcome Centre on Sunday or email Pr. Rachel (Rae) Quirt at:  rae@impactkingston.com

See you there!